Life, Food, health, diet

Various applications of less fresh fruits

쿄짱 2022. 5. 5. 14:32

Food waste that cannot be eaten and is thrown away is approaching 4 million tons a year. The leftovers are also a problem, but there are considerable ingredients that are thrown away without even using them. Food ingredients with slightly lower freshness can be used, so there is no need to throw them away. Fruits are one of the ingredients that are easily discarded due to changes in appearance that are soft, bruised, and discolored. As long as the fruit is not moldy or rotten, fruits with low freshness can be used wisely as follows.

1. Microwave heating
One of the quick ways to use less fresh fruits is to use a microwave. All you have to do is chop up the fruit, add cinnamon powder, and microwave it. For example, if you cut two bananas and three western pears, mix them with cinnamon powder, and turn them for five minutes, they can be used as a filling for the pie. After digging out the core of the apple, add cinnamon powder and water slightly and turn the whole thing to make a delicious apple roast.

2. Making an Ice Cube
Grind the fruit into a juice state, put it in a cube-shaped ice can, freeze it or cut it into cubes, and then put it in an ice can with water and freeze it to keep it fresh for a long time. These frozen fruits can be made into fresh water by putting them in plain water or carbonated water, or can be used to make smoothies or cocktails.

3. Softening the meat
Fruit does not necessarily have to be the main ingredient. It can also serve as an assistant to make other ingredients more perfect. Overcooked kiwis can be used to soften meat. Kiwis contain a protease called "actinidine," which reduces the time to marinate meat in seasoning. Another advantage is that the meat has a subtle scent of fruit.


4. Mix it with the sauce
Overcooked fruit can be used to make marinade. It is much healthier in that it is sweetened with fruits instead of sugar or syrup. It can be used to make fruit jam or marmalade as well as meat sauce. If you mix mashed kiwi, olive oil, vinegar, salt, and pepper, it is good for marinating meat.

5. Making dried fruits
Fruits are difficult to feel juicy as they are fresh because moisture escapes over time. In this case, there is a way to make the fruit completely dry and dry. Slice the fruit thinly and dry in natural light or in a low heat oven. When storing dried fruits, put them in an airtight container to prevent them from getting soggy. You can also take it out little by little like a snack or use it as a salad topping.

6. Mix with eggs
Bananas are one of the fruits that change color quickly. You can eat it even when it is browned, but if you prefer yellow and hard bananas, you are more likely to leave them alone. In this case, mash the brown bananas and mix them with egg whites. If you make an omelette using eggs mixed with bananas, you can enjoy a different taste and aroma than usual.
