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Recommendations for European tourist attractions

쿄짱 2022. 5. 11. 21:01

Today, I will introduce popular tourist attractions in Europe. ^^

1. Colosseum (Roman, Italy)

Colosseum, one of the symbolic places that symbolizes Rome! It is a speculative market that has driven Roman citizens into a frenzy in the past.
At that time, the Roman Emperor held a series of speculative meetings aimed at gaining popularity and freeing the public from interest in politics. A captive soldier appeared as a gladiator, dealing with predators or fighting between gladiators, and the speculation lasted for 300 years until the middle of the 5th century.
The capacity of the Colosseum is known to be about 50,000 to 60,000 people, and it's overwhelming by the architectural technology of the time that it built a building that could accommodate such a large audience. 

2. Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)


Eiffel Tower, famous for its tourist attractions in Paris. Along with the Arc de Triomphe, it is a worldwide tourist attraction known as a symbol of Paris. As part of the Seine River in Paris, it is also registered as a World Heritage Site and is visited by many tourists as the world's most beautiful iron tower.

3. Trevi Fountain (Roman, Italy)

Trevi Fountain, completed in 1762.
Trevi means "three-way intersection," and is named because there are three roads in front of this fountain. 

It is 25 meters high and about 20 meters wide, making it the largest fountain in Rome. 
Many tourists are performing at Trevi's fountain, which is very famous for coin tossing coins. It is said that if you throw one, you can come back to Rome, if you throw two, you can be with the person you like for the rest of your life, and if you throw three, you can break up with your husband or wife.^^

4. Louvre Museum (Paris, France)

The museum attracts 8 million visitors a year.
"It is one of the top three museums in the world, along with the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the United States and the Hermitage Museum in Russia. "The Renaissance-style luxurious Louvre Palace is still used as an art museum, making the building the world's largest historic site.

The exhibition space is 60,000 square meters, and it is said that there are 35,000 works on display.Many famous works such as "Venus of Milo" and "Mona Lisa" are on display, but it is so wide that I recommend you to decide in advance what you want to see and move
For your information, admission is free on the anniversary of the French Revolution on July 14 and the first Sunday of November-March.

5. Spanish Square (Roman, Italy)

Spanish Square, also famous for the movie Roman Holiday. 
It was named Spanish Square because there was an embassy in the south of the 17th century square. In the movie, the main character Princess Anne is famous for eating gelato, but now eating gelato on the stairs is prohibited for preservation.
If you go up the 137 steps of Spain, you can see the city of Rome at a glance. In addition, you can enjoy shopping with sightseeing in the area near the Spanish Square where there are many luxury boutiques.


6. Arch of Etoile (Paris, France)

The famous Ettuwal Arc de Triomphe, built in memory of Napoleon I's French army. 
The height is 50m and you can climb the rooftop observatory. At the end of the 284-step spiral staircase, the observatory offers a 360-degree panoramic view of the streets of Paris.

The arch of Ettuwal stands in the circular Charles de Gaulle Square, which stretches 12 streets around it. One of them is the Champs-Elysees street, which is the most beautiful street in Paris.
Walking along the Champs-Elysees street from the Ettuwal Arc de Triomphe is fun because there are cafes, movie theaters, and boutiques lined up.^^

7. Champs-Elysees Street (Paris, France)

In Paris, 12 streets stretch around the circular Charles de Gaulle Square, where the Ettuwal Arc de Triomphe, which is introduced earlier, and one of them is the Champs-Elysees Street, which is considered the most beautiful street in Paris.

"The 2km street consists of Marronnier Garosugil, which is packed with tourists and locals every day with a row of fancy cafes, Louis Vuitton and other luxury boutiques and movie theaters that want to take a break from Paris."

8. Notre Dame Cathedral (Paris, France)

Notre Dame Cathedral, a popular tourist attraction in Paris, is on the island of Cite on the Seine. It is a world-famous World Heritage Cathedral that became the stage for the famous painting, "The Coronation of Napoleon," and the Disney film "The Bell of Notre Dame." It is a representative building of Gothic architecture in France, and the stained glass called the rose window is famous.

In April 2019, it was destroyed by a large-scale fire, including a spire, and it was declared to be rebuilt within five years for the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics in Paris, but it will take more time to recover.

9. Buckingham Palace (London, UK)

Buckingham Palace serves not only as Her Majesty's co-house and a guest house for the royal family to entertain guests from all over the world, but also as a venue for various national events, making it one of the few places in the world. The land area is 10,000 pyeong.

The total number of rooms is 775 magnificent.Like a village, the palace has a reception room, a ballroom, as well as an art museum, a police station, a fire station, and a clinic. Also, the royal flag is hung on the queen's house, and the British flag is hung on the palace in her absence.

10. Big Ben / Elizabeth Top (London, UK)

Big Ben, a symbol of London, is a nickname for the clock tower attached to the Palace of Westminster, the British Parliament building, and its official name is Elizabeth Tower. Crossing the Westminster Bridge, you can see the magnificent view of Big Ben over the Thames.If you look at this, you'll realize, 'I'm in London!
Big Ben is the closest to Westminster Station from the subway. Especially, it's a popular area, so be careful of pickpockets.

11. Sagrada Familia Cathedral (Barcelona, Spain)


It is the Sagrada Familia Cathedral, which must be visited in Spain.
It is a cathedral where genius architect Antonio Gaudi devoted his life to the construction, and he spent most of his 43 years here since his death in 1883 when 31-year-old Gaudi died.

More than 130 years after the start, it is still under construction and does not seem to be completed, so it is being completed with the aim of completing it in 2026, a 100-year season after Gaudi's death. In 2005, an incomplete portion was listed as a World Heritage Site. You can take a panoramic view of the building in the park in front of the Sagrada Familia.

12. British Museum (London, UK)

When it comes to London, one of the world's top three museums is the "Daeyoung Museum." From the world's ethnic data to ancient archaeological excavations, the number of valuable cultural heritages is said to be 8 million, and only about 2% of them are open to the public! 

But the number of exhibitions is so great that you can't see them all in a day.
Among them, this is the must-see! The popular exhibit is a marble sculpture decorated with Rosetta Stone, one of the most important discoveries in Egyptian archaeological history, and the Parthenon in Greece.

13. The Mouth of Truth (Roman, Italy)

The Mouth of Truth is on the exterior wall of Santa Maria in Cosmedin, which features red brick dating from the 6th century. The disc-shaped stone is carved with the god of the sea, and there is a theory that it was originally a manhole or well lid of an ancient sewer.

There's an interesting legend that's so famous in "The Mouth of truth.It's a legend that if a liar touches it, he won't fall into it.It's also famous for the movie "Roman Holiday"^^

14. Palo Romano (Roman, Italy)

After Rome was founded on the Palatino Hill in 753 B.C., it was renovated at the foot of the Palatino Hill, which was the center of ancient Rome that flourished earlier here as Palo Romano.
Palo means a public square that is the center of politics, economy, and religion, and during the ancient Roman era, emperors built huge buildings one after another to show off their authority and wealth, along with temples, Arc de Triomphe, and courts. It's also where the word "all roads lead to Rome," and you can also see the stone pillars that Caesar Augustus, the emperor of the period, built in Rome with this arm to make this the end of all roads in Italy.

15. Duomo (Milano, Italy)

Duomo is the cathedral that represents the village.
Here, "Duomo di Milano" means "Duomo of Milan," literally one of Milan's most representative landmarks.
It's called the largest and greatest Gothic architecture in Italy, but it's a massive figure with spectacular decorations that overwhelm what you see. There are 135 spires soaring to the sky, 2,245 adult sculptures that are part of the decoration, and they look powerful!

The official name is Santa Maria Nacente Church, and it means Church for the Virgin in Korean. As its name suggests, one of the 135 spires has a golden statue of Mary, which has been watching the streets of Milan for many years.

16. Pantheon (Roman, Italy)

The Pantheon is 43.3 meters in height and diameter, and is considered the world's greatest masterpiece in stone domed architecture. It was built around 25 BCE as a temple of all gods, but it was destroyed by fire and the current building was rebuilt by Hadrian in 118 AD over 28 years. Inside is the tomb of Raphael, a prominent Italian painter and architect. The mysterious pantheon that comes to mind through night lighting is also popular.

17. Guell Park (Barcelona, Spain)

Guel Park is where Guel, who was originally Gaudi's Patron, commissioned Gaudi to carry out the urban development project. Initially, it was built as a rural residential area of 60 houses, but two houses were sold.
Eventually, it was not successful as a residential area, and later it was opened to citizens as a park.

Guel Park is divided into free and paid areas, and the central staircase with mosaic dragon, a pillar hole, and a terrace with wavy benches decorated with tiles and glass are paid zones. From the paid zone terrace, you can see the streets of Barcelona at a glance, and the house where Gaudi lived in the past is now open as a Gaudi Museum.

18. Mont Saint-Michel (France)

French World Heritage 'Mont Saint-Michel' 
The monastery, built on a small island, looks like it's floating in the sea at high tide, and when you actually stand in front of you, you're overwhelmed by its power, and you're moved by its beautiful appearance, like a work of art. Mont Saint-Michel, which can be seen far from the meadow across the river, is also picturesque.

The main street of Mont Saint-Michel is lined with souvenir shops, restaurants, and cafes.Among them, I recommend La Mer Prair. When you come to Mont Saint-Michel, the omelet is so famous that it is called the "Omelet of La Mer Prair."

19. Casabat. (Barcelona, Spain)


Casabatyo on Gracia Street is a 10-minute walk from Casamila, a popular tourist destination. The apartment building, built in 1877, became what it is today when its owner Bartyoga commissioned Gaudi to renovate it. It is said that the entire remodeling was carried out with the intention of looking more luxurious because of the confrontation against the neighboring Casa Amatriere.

The Mediterranean-inspired architecture excluded all linear representations and decorated the whole with natural curvy. There are many things to see, including an entrance hall consisting of all curves, stairs designed by Gaudi in detail, a door, a chimney like a rooftop sculpture, an appearance with windows, and artificial furniture.

20. The Opera House (Paris, France)


Garnier Palace, an opera theater that has become the ghost stage of a famous musical opera.
Charles Garnier, a designer selected from 171 designs, was named the palace.

It is also known as "Opera Jwa," and since the birth of "Opera Bastille" in 1989, ballet and small-scale opera performances have been dominated here. The performance is held at night, so you can tour the facility during the day.The gorgeous interior, which is truly reminiscent of the Phantom of the Opera, is worth watching!

21. Palace of Versailles (Paris, France)

Built by King Louis XIV of France, the "Palace of Versailles" boasts the luxury of France. Marie Antoinette, who is famous in history, also lived. The spacious Versailles Palace has a variety of attractions, and the most popular of them is the Mirror Corridor.

The gorgeous space with crystal chandeliers and 578 mirrors is 75 meters long. This corridor was used as a waiting room for the people who visited the palace at the time, and was also used as a venue for feasts and ceremonies. The historic Treaty of Versailles was also signed here.

22. Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral (Firenze, Italy)

Florence's landmark Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral uses green marble, which is also the color of the Italian flag, and is decorated with cute decorations everywhere.

It is also called the Virgin Mary of Flowers, and its delicate decorations and structure are beautiful as it is called.
Various artworks are also decorated in the cathedral, and since this is a chapel, visitors are prohibited from visiting clothes with shoulders and miniskirts. Admission is free, so I recommend you to be careful of your summer clothes and go if you have time. 

23. Tower Bridge (London, UK)

Tower Bridge is a landmark in London that is loved by both Ron Donner and tourists. 
It is popular for its stylish design and the street view of London itself. It opens and closes irregularly at the request of large ships, and if you really want to see it, you can check the expected opening and closing time on the official Tower Bridge website in 1 to 2 months later. 

24. St. Peter's Cathedral (Roman, Italy)

St. Peter's Basilica is the world's largest church with a beautiful central coupola. When it was rebuilt in the early 16th century, it was said that almost all of the architects and sculptors who were active in Rome at the time were engaged.
There are five doors at the entrance, and from the left are the gates of death, the gates of good and evil, the central gate, the gate of monument, and the gate of adulthood, which opens only once every 25 years, and the next one is scheduled for 2025.

A must-see place in the cathedral is the Pieta statue of Michelangelo.
A piece of the Virgin Mary, full of grief, embraces the dead Jesus, touches my heart.If you have time and stamina, you can go up to the observatory at Dom Kupola in the church (paid).
The Vatican view from there will be an unforgettable view once you see it.

25. St. Peter's Square (Roman, Italy)

St. Peter's Square is an oval square in front of St. Peter's Cathedral, designed by Bernini, the artist who represents Rome. "The square is 340 meters long, 240 meters wide, and is a large site that can accommodate up to 300,000 people. "When I looked up at the cathedral from the square, the scene of 140 adult images was dramatic and Bernini-like.

The towering obelisk in the middle was brought from Egypt by the Roman emperor, which is 25.31 meters tall. Every Sunday at 12 o'clock, the pope appears and prays through the second window on the fourth floor of the building.

26. Leaning Tower of Pisa (Italy)


Leaning Tower of Pisa, one of the famous tourist attractions in Italy. 
It stands tall in the World Heritage Site 'Duomo Square' in Pisa City.The tower is a marble bell tower 55.7 meters high.
Construction began in 1173, but the ground began to sink around 1185, due to the vulnerability of the surrounding ground. After that, the construction progressed little by little at intervals, and in 1372, it was "completed" in the same slanted shape as it is now.

The tilted eight-story tower is 55 meters above ground and the stairs are 297 steps, and you can actually climb it. Inside the tower, it is a mysterious space that seems to lose its sense of balance due to the tilted and worn stairs.
If you go outside on the top floor, you can see the streets of Pisa at a glance, and you can experience the precious experience of the Leaning Tower once again

27. Neuschwanstein Castle (Germany)

The Noischwanstein Castle, the representative of German tourism and the most popular attraction. Known as the model for Disney's "Sleeping Beauty," Walt Disney actually visited Neuschwanstein Castle when he designed the "Sleeping Beauty" castle.

The castle is based in Hoenschwengau, near Whisen, on the southernmost tip of Germany's popular tourist route, but it is also a one-day trip to Munich, a major German tourist city, and is also a favorite tourist attraction around the world.

28. Grand Plus (Belgium, Brussels)

The center of Brussels tourism is Belgium's proud World Heritage "Grand Plus," which Munho Victor Hugo called the world's most beautiful square.
It is a spectacular square surrounded by magnificent historical buildings such as a city hall built in the 15th century, a Brussels city museum called the King's House, and a guild house used by the union.

It is a small square that takes about 5 minutes to go around, but there are many souvenir shops such as old restaurants and cafes around, so you can enjoy delicious restaurants and shopping.
Of course, the day is beautiful, but I recommend you to do it because you can feel the beauty of the night view with your eyes wide open.

29. Nabona Square (Roman, Italy)

"Nabona Square" is one of the most beautiful squares in Rome. 
It is a square with over 2,000 years of history built on the site of the ancient Roman Domitian Stadium. At the center of the square is the Four Rivers Fountain, created by Bernini, a genius artist representing Rome, and is considered one of Bernini's masterpieces.

So, it is crowded with many tourists, and it is also a popular place to meet local people.In addition, there are many street performances in the wide square, so you can enjoy various pleasures depending on the way. In addition, it is also famous for the square where the Christmas market is held every Christmas. When you visit Rome from December to early January, be sure to experience the unique atmosphere of Christmas.

30. Santangelo Castle (Roman, Italy)

Santangelo Castle is a citadel on the north side of the River Tevere that flows through the streets of Rome.It is also the filming location of the princess, who played Audrey Hepburn in the movie <Roman Holiday>, visiting a dance party on board.

Built in 139 as Hadrian's Cemetery, it was later converted to military facilities and prisons. By the way, what you see on the top of the building is the statue of Jean-Michael, an angel with a sword. 

31.Belgium, Brussels

This is a 1619 wetting statue, also known by the nickname Julien Aga. 
If you look forward to seeing it because it is famous around the world, you may be surprised because it is too small. More than 760 costumes have been donated from around the world, and various costumes are on display at the Grand Plus City Museum.

32. Schoenbrunn Palace (Vin Austria)

Vienna's most touristy palace. Surrounded by vast gardens, there are as many as 1,441 rooms inside. Open to the public are parts such as a family room or a large room on the second floor, but there is also a guided tour through a travel agency, so you can easily participate.

The luxurious structure where you can get a glimpse of the elegant life of that time is the best! After looking around the palace, walk around the colorful gardens and Garosugil.

33. Prague Castle (Czech Republic)

Prague Castle is one of the largest castles in the world and is also famous as a symbol of Prague. 
Since construction began in the 9th century, it was not until the 14th century that it became majestic. The vast site on a small hill is surrounded by walls, and there are monasteries, churches, museums, art galleries, and coffee shops inside.

That was the introduction of European tourist attractions. 
Stay healthy and have a happy day ^^


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