Korean food 8

Korean pork belly over rice

1.Put pork belly in the frying pan. 2. Prepare the green onion by cutting it into big pieces. 3.Stir-fry the pork belly until it cooks evenly. 4. When the meat is cooked properly, add the prepared green onions and stir-fry more. 5.삼겹살이 노릇해질 정도로 충분히 익혀준 뒤 설탕 2스푼을 넣고 한번 더 볶아줍니다.(설탕을 넣을 때는 불을 중불로 줄여야타지않게 볶을 수 있어요.) 6.If you add sugar and stir-fry it, the meat will shine. 7. Add 4 tablespoons of soy..

Korean food 2022.07.31