Life, Food, health, diet

The "unexpected" reason why dandruff occurs even if you wash your hair often

쿄짱 2022. 5. 3. 21:04

Dandruff, a common scalp disease that occurs when the weather is cold and dry, especially in winter, often wears dark clothes,Dandruff is more noticeable, but if it suddenly increases a lot and oily dandruff increases, it can lead to hair loss, so you need to be careful.
We looked at the cause of dandruff and how to manage it in detail.


Dandruff, one of the scalp diseases


Dandruff is a dead skin cell that occurs when skin cells fall, and it is a relatively common scalp disease that increases from adolescence and more than four out of ten people in their 20s complain of symptoms.
If the oil and water balance is broken due to cold and dryness, it becomes worse, and if the amount of dandruff increases, there is a high risk of hair loss.


Overexproliferation of fungi

Dandruff is caused by excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, hormonal imbalance, excessive proliferation of scalp cells, and irregular lifestyle habits.
In particular, Phytylosporum Ovalae, one of the normal bacteria of the skin, is cited as the main reason for the mold to proliferate up to 20 times due to various triggers such as weather, heredity, hormones, and stress.

Dry dandruff and oily dandruff

Dry dandruff is a dandruff caused by the loss of moisture in the scalp, and the particles are fine and white.
On the other hand, oily dandruff is caused by excessive secretion of sebum on the scalp, and the dandruff fragments become large and yellowish. In addition, oily dandruff and bacteria block the pores of the scalp, which can cause odors or inflammation.

Effects of Coconut Oil and Tea Tree Oil

Applying coconut oil to the scalp can reduce the amount of yeast that causes dandruff and also soothe scalp inflammation.
Use a teaspoon to massage your hair with your fingertips, and wash your hair clean with a regular shampoo. Tea tree oil also has the effect of killing yeast and preventing it from proliferating
Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to the shampoo is also helpful.


an incurable dandruff


Dandruff is not completely cured. Even if symptoms disappear, they can recur if they are poorly managed, and it is most important to dry well during the rainy season.
When drying your hair, make sure to dry your scalp, and if you have a lot of dandruff, it is good to reduce oily foods that secrete a lot of sebum.

Manage according to dandruff type


Treatment that matches the cause and characteristics of dandruff is important.
It is good to wash your hair using a shampoo exclusively for dandruff, and you should avoid using a dryer that provides enough moisture such as hair packs and treatments and can take away moisture. Oily dandruff is washed every day to control the secretion of sebum and to prevent scratching the scalp with your nails.

Washing and massaging my hair once a day


In particular, during the change of seasons, the scalp becomes dry and dead skin cells easily occur, and care should be taken not to dry out while washing away waste and sebum accumulated in the scalp and hair.
It is forbidden to wash your hair more than once a day because of dandruff or itchy scalp, and gentle massage of the scalp with your fingers when shampooing helps exfoliate and blood circulation.
When drying your hair, remove moisture with a towel and dry it with cold or natural wind.

Use medicated shampoo twice a week


Even if you wash your hair every day, dandruff fungi can multiply due to lifestyle or skin diseases.
Dandruff can be prevented from becoming chronic only when properly treated, and it is recommended to use antifungal medicinal shampoo twice a week every three to four days.
Dandruff-specialized medicated shampoo is only available at pharmacies. For the remaining 5 days, you can use a regular shampoo, and when using a medicinal shampoo, it is also recommended to wrap it with enough foam and gently massage it.

Avoid stress, overwork, and lack of sleep


It is also helpful to prevent dandruff by getting enough sleep and improving irregular eating habits centered on instant and fast food that minimize stress. It is also good to control stress through hobbies such as exercise or to eat fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins.
As scalp health is directly related to hair loss, the risk of early hair loss can be reduced only when active treatment is started from the first discovery.
