Life, Food, health, diet

10 Good Habits for Good Health and Long Life

쿄짱 2022. 5. 15. 20:20

1. I only eat when I'm hungry

Wild animals do not eat unless they are hungry. Being not hungry means that the digestive process of the food you ate is not over yet. If you eat food at that time, fermentation occurs at the point where the food you ate before collides with the new food. The process causes toxins.

2. I eat raw vegetables, fruits, and yogurt every day

Raw vegetables and fruits are filled with fiber, which plays a big role in preventing constipation and releasing waste and toxins, chlorophyll that nourishes the brain and facilitates hormone secretion, and energy of life, and Prana.

3. Do enough physical work or exercise every day

Enough means enough to sweat. Working soaking in sweat fills the body with fresh air and activates internal organs.

4. I fast regularly

I fast twice a month to release toxins from my body and rest my digestive system.

5. Practice raising the body, mind, and soul

Keep your body, mind, and soul neat and elevated through steady and regular performance. If you have a religion, it's also a good idea to stick to your religion's teachings.

6. Drink enough water
You should drink more than 2 liters of water to maintain your normal body rhythm. It's good to drink little by little often.

7. Breathe in plenty of fresh air every day

Breathing in fresh air is the best way to receive the energy of the universe, life energy. It is also necessary to learn full breathing that completely empties and fills the lungs, not shallow breathing.

8. Relax and take a good rest

Human activities require a constant rhythm of work and rest. Fasting and sleeping are different activities, but they are all for relaxation and relaxation.

9. Serve others

Daily service makes the selfishness of the mind disappear from time to time. Service is to release the poison accumulated in the mind.

10. Meet good people

Meeting good people, studying together, discussing and striving for common welfare makes individuals and society beautiful.


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