Life, Food, health, diet

7 good foods to eat on an empty stomach in the morning

쿄짱 2022. 5. 23. 09:27

1. Eggs 

Eggs are typical low-calorie, high-protein foods. Eating eggs in the morning reduces the calories we consume during the day and helps generate energy. 

It is also good for strengthening the skin and brain health immune system and has the effect of reducing stress. 
It tastes good and is good for your health, so you can boil or bake eggs every morning on an empty stomach or fry them.

2. Potatoes

The starch ingredient in potatoes protects the stomach and is said to be excellent in preventing and treating gastric ulcers and gastritis if you grind potatoes raw on an empty stomach in the morning. 
For those who want to eat it simply, it's good to boil it or mash it and make it into a salad.  
Potatoes are also excellent for skin beauty and prevent anemia constipation.  
It also strengthens immunity and prevents high blood pressure, so it is better than a calming medicine. 

3. Blueberries

Blueberries, the representative of antioxidant-rich fruits, have the effect of improving memory and controlling blood pressure and metabolism properly. 
According to a recent study, eating on an empty stomach in the morning doubles the effect. 
In addition, it is said to be the best fruit that protects the eyes, strengthens bones and teeth, and prevents diabetes.  

Blueberries are high in sugar, so you can fully enjoy the effect even if you take about 20 tablets a day, so please don't eat a lot.  

4. Apple


Apples are the most effective herbal medicine food eaten in the morning, as there is a saying that apples in the morning are eaten in the morning.
Peptin in apples keeps the intestines healthy and releases bad lactic acid bacteria, thereby suppressing blood pressure rise.
Also, apples are rich in dietary fiber, which helps digestion and helps bowel movements a lot, so even though you clean your intestines in the morning,
It's effective.  

5. Cabbage

Cabbage greatly helps strengthen the mucous membrane of the stomach. Especially for patients with gastritis, gastric ulcer, enteritis, and colon disease
It is known as a good food.
In addition, cabbage is rich in vitamin C and vitamin K fiber and has a lot of fiber, so it quickly relieves hunger.
It is a very good food that you can easily eat when you drink cabbage in juice or with other vegetables.6. 꿀

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7. 오트밀

귀리를 압착시켜 만든 오트밀은 아침 공복에 먹으면 위에 보호막을 형성해 산성 성분으로부터 위장 내벽을 보호하는 
역할을 하고,  수용성 섬유질이 풍부하게 들어 있어 콜레스케롤 수치도 낮춰준다고 합니다.  
또한 오트밀은 다이어트에도 아주 좋습니다. 
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최고의 음식으로 사랑받고 있습니다.  

오늘도 건강하시고 행복한 하루 되세요 ^^
