Life, Food, health, diet

5 Exercise Mistakes That Slow Down Weight Loss

쿄짱 2022. 4. 29. 14:22

If you're constantly exercising to lose weight, but you're not satisfied with the change in weight, you need to look back on some of your habits during exercise. Check out five exercise mistakes that make weight loss slow.

1. I only do aerobic exercise 

Aerobic exercise is effective in burning calories, but there is a moment when the calories consumed as a whole are limited only by running, riding a bicycle, or swimming. The more muscles you have, the greater the potential to burn calories, and the more fat you can burn, so you should do weight exercise at the same time.


2. Do not conduct high-intensity training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is very effective for heart and muscle training. For example, you can do up to 80 to 90 percent explosive exercise for 40 seconds and take a break for 20 seconds.


3. There is no consistency

If you take a walk once a day for 20 minutes, you can get some fresh air, but not enough to lose weight. For effective results, you should visit the gym three to four times a week or exercise regularly for more than 45 minutes.


4. I always do the same exercise

If you lose weight while exercising, it's a sign that you have to try another exercise. If you do the same exercise three to five times a week, it is recommended that you change your exercise at least every six weeks because your muscles get used to it.


5. I don't care what I eat myself

What you do after exercising is the most important thing. If you exercise regularly, you can feel hungry as usual, and it's easy to think that you'll be able to eat everything you want because you exercised. But even if you exercise hard, if you eat a lot of snacks or meals, your intake and consumption will eventually be the same. It is important not to eat as much as the calories burned by exercise because you have to lose calories to lose weight.

