Life, Food, health, diet

Healthy late night snack that you can eat before you go to sleep

쿄짱 2022. 5. 27. 13:53

1. Kiwi
There is a study that showed that 35% of the participants in the experiment had faster sleep time after conducting an experiment to eat kiwi an hour before sleep for four weeks.
Kiwi contains antioxidants, carotenoids, vitamin C, and vitamin E, and also contains hormones called "serotonin."
This hormone is associated with REM sleep. The lower the hormone level, the more likely you are to develop insomnia.
The folic acid rich in kiwis also helps improve insomnia.

2. Cherry

Cherry is a food that helps you recover from sweating and damaged muscles from exercise or dieting.
According to a paper published in the European Journal of Nutrition, people who drink cherry juice every day have more sleep than those who do not.
Cherry contains melatonin that induces sleep, so it naturally induces sleep.

3. Milk and cereal

The combination of cereal and milk that feels like breakfast is actually suitable for late-night snacks.
Cereal with low sugar content and fat-free milk should be consumed.
Milk contains an amino acid called tryptophan, which induces serotonin secretion.
High-fat milk slows down the digestion process and interferes with sleep, so fat-free milk is good.

4. Banana

Bananas are an excellent source of potassium and magnesium, and these nutrients relax muscles and lead to a comfortable state of body to sleep.
Magnesium improves the quality of sleep in people with insomnia and helps them wake up more refreshed in the morning.
Bananas also contain tryptophan, which also helps sleep.

5. Almond
Almonds contain magnesium, which helps relax muscles.
Other kinds of nuts, such as peanuts and cashews, are good, but almonds are more helpful in that they also contain high calcium.
Consuming magnesium and calcium together has the effect of relaxing muscles as the overall mind calms down.
Calcium also helps turn tryptophan into melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone.

6. Spinach

Spinach contains tryptophan and is rich in key ingredients that help synthesize serotonin, such as folic acid, magnesium, vitamins B6 and C.
It also contains an amino acid called glutamine, which plays a role in removing cellular toxins, which are factors that interfere with sleep.
However, if spinach is heated strongly, such nutrients are destroyed, so it should be cooked at a slightly blanched level.

7. Chicken
Vegetable foods are not necessarily the only ones that induce sleep.
Poultry such as chicken and turkey are also rich in tryptophan, which is effective in falling asleep.
According to a recent study of insomnia patients, eating only 0.25g of chicken or turkey can increase the amount of time they sleep soundly.
