Life, Food, health, diet

Wisdom that's helpful for daily life

쿄짱 2022. 5. 8. 21:56

[Wisdom that's helpful for daily life]

1. Use onions to use the remaining oil after frying

You've hesitated because it's a waste to throw away the oil left over from the frying and it smells like food when you use it again. There's a way to use the oil with the smell of food cleanly. If you cut the onion into small pieces and put it in the used oil, it catches the smell of the food.

2. Drink radish juice when you have a fever

When you have a fever, you usually take commercially available drugs, and there is a simple folk remedy. First, grind the radish into a grater and juice it. After pouring hot water and drinking salt, you'll feel the fever go down and your body feels light after a good night's sleep.


3. Perfect for mosquito bites

Try making mosquito repellent using green tea. The itchiness goes away quickly, and the swelling goes down easily, so the effect is perfect. Apply warm green tea to mosquito bites or place green tea bags on top. You can put green tea powder or green tea leaves on top of it.

4. For heat rashes, cucumber is effective

Infirm babies suffer from heat rashes especially in the summer. Mothers know that it's good to wipe the baby's heat rash with light salt water. The effect is perfect even if you use cucumbers. Grind the cucumber and gently spread it on the hot spots. The effect of getting heat rash is really fast.

5. If you add beer when you rinse your hair, you're done with dandruff

After washing your hair, rinse the leftover beer or rice wine in water to make your hair much softer and help get rid of dandruff. In addition, it is also very good to clean dishes and glass.

6. Shampoo is the best when your shirt is wrinkled

Use shampoo when the stain on the collar and sleeve of your shirt doesn't come off. Soak the dirt in warm water, squeeze the shampoo, mix it gently, and it comes off easily
