Life, Food, health, diet

If you put "this" in water and drink... My bad breath is gone

쿄짱 2022. 5. 7. 08:23

Flavonoids in green tea help remove bad breath.

◇ The main cause of bad breath is bacteria in the mouth

The biggest cause of bad breath is "bacteria in the mouth." In particular, the secretion of saliva (saliva) decreases while we sleep, causing a lot of bacteria to proliferate in the mouth, and an unpleasant smell occurs due to volatile sulfur compounds caused by the decomposition of proteins by this bacteria. Moreover, if you wear a mask for a long time, you may breathe in your mouth. Since bacteria multiply faster when the mouth is dry due to mouth breathing, it is recommended to remove leftover food debris and sulphur using toothbrush and floss and drink water frequently so that your mouth does not dry. In addition, excessive pragna tartar, tongue, periodontal disease (gum disease, tooth decay), dental caries (cavity), dry mouth, oral ulcers, oral cancer, poor repair or prosthetics, hormonal changes in smoking, menstruation, pregnancy, tonsils, sinusitis, respiratory system, and mouth odor.

◇To relieve bad breath

Using a tongue cleaner = Bacteria in the mouth are distributed in the back of the tongue, which is close to the throat, and decomposes proteins and peptides contained in the tongue surface to create an unpleasant smell. It is recommended to gently scratch the tongue with a tongue cleaner once or twice a day and rinse the mouth with water. If you wipe too hard, you may get a scratch on your tongue, so you need to be careful.

Making a habit of breathing through the nose = Saliva is made about 1 liter a day through salivary glands, and it is secreted into the mouth and soaked in the mouth. However, when breathing with the mouth, the oral cavity becomes more dry than when breathing with the nose, and this is the best condition for bacteria to reproduce and cause bad breath, so it is better to make a habit of breathing with the nose. In particular, it is important to provide proper moisture so that the mouth does not dry, and it is better to drink water than sugar-containing or acidic drinks. It is recommended to avoid sugary or acidic drinks because they increase the risk of tooth decay and tooth corrosion.

Eating food to relieve bad breath = Garlic, green onions, onions, etc. contain a lot of sulfur compounds, which increases bad breath. The same is true of meat eating with a lot of protein. Foods that promote saliva secretion and cleanse your mouth, such as fresh vegetables and fruits, help prevent bad breath. If you drink tea after a meal, green tea is better than coffee. Coffee can partially increase dry mouth, but green tea can remove bad breath with a deodorizing ingredient called flavonoids.

◇ It's important to brush your tongue properly

To prevent bad breath, proper brushing should prevent food from being stored in the mouth and improve oral hygiene. Moreover, when brushing your teeth, you should brush your gums and tongue well as your teeth. The tongue, which is a space where corruption occurs at all times, is a place where there are many germs even in the mouth, so it is recommended to wipe it as thoroughly as possible. If you look at the surface of the tongue, it has a structural characteristic that makes it easy to grow bacteria anatomically due to the non-smooth and bumpy tongue. Various food residues and bacteria accumulate between these snow nipples, causing bad breath, so you must also wipe the surface of your tongue when brushing your teeth.
When wiping your tongue, repeatedly wipe it from the inside to the outside three to four times, but with appropriate pressure to prevent damage to the snow nipple. It is recommended to wipe to the inside because there are the most bad breath-causing bacteria in the inner part of the tongue. At this time, if you have dry nausea, stop breathing for several seconds and wipe it, or use your fingers to promote other parts of the tongue to reduce dry nausea.


◇ Preventable by continuously managing

Since bad breath occurs continuously, it is important to take care of it steadily. In order to remove bad breath from the tongue and gums, which are the main areas where bad breath occurs, it is important to use the right toothbrush, tongue cleaner, and dental floss and intertebral toothbrush properly. If you have periodontal disease (gum disease), it is recommended to receive scaling treatment. It is usually recommended once or twice a year, but additional gum treatment may be required depending on the oral condition.

It is recommended to eat a regular meal because the bad breath increases when you are hungry, and if inevitable, it is also helpful to rinse the oral cavity several times using water or chew xylitol gum for about 5 minutes. In addition, drinking 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day and drinking enough water is helpful. When using commercially available mouthwash, it is recommended to choose a product that does not contain alcohol as much as possible because it stimulates and dries the mucous membrane of the mouth.
