전체 글 477

Item 3 that can't be left in the bathroom when it's full of germs

Wash-related items are bound to be left in the bathroom. However, the bathroom is a hotbed of bacterial reproduction because it does not get rid of moisture easily. If you put toothbrushes, medicines, and bitter towels in these toilets, you can wipe your body with germs. ◇ Toothbrush If you leave your toothbrush on the sink for more than a month, it can be considered a lump of bacteria. This is ..

If you want to sleep well, drink this water before you go to bed.

There are people who have difficulty falling asleep at night or wake up repeatedly while sleeping. If these symptoms persist, drinking "salt water" before bed can help you sleep well. Salt promotes melatonin production and helps improve sleep disorders. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates stress as well as activating antioxidants. Also, salt water lowers the stress response and makes you rest...

The worst sleeping position that makes me tired even if I sleep for a long time?

The prone position' can cause pain by twisting the neck ligament or spine in a sleep position that causes fatigue, and can increase intraocular pressure to damage eye health. If you feel tired even if you sleep for a long time, it is better to check your sleeping posture. It is most desirable to take a healthy sleeping position while sleeping, but avoiding an unhealthy sleeping position can reli..