전체 글 477

This thing that spoils faster by storing it in the refrigerator?

The refrigerator keeps the ingredients fresh for a long time, so most of the ingredients you've bought go directly to the refrigerator. But did you know that there are ingredients that lose both taste and nutrition by storing them in the refrigerator? Let's find out about unexpected foods that go bad faster by storing them in the refrigerator! ① Cucumber Moistened cucumbers are food ingredients ..

Potatoes, sprouts are dangerous? You can't eat it even if it changes like this

Along with potato sprouts, it is better not to eat the green skin because it has a lot of solanine, a toxic substance. It is well known that potato sprouts have a toxin called solanine and should not be eaten. However, many people think that potatoes that have turned green can be eaten. Green potatoes also mean higher solanine levels, so you should not eat them. Solanin is a natural insecticide ..

Can it be medicine or poison? the "unexpected" effect of a nap

On days when I am tired, I often take a nap during lunch or break. It is commonly thought that a nap after meals can have an adverse effect on health, but it also has a health effect. Learn about the unexpected health effects of napping. ◇ Siesta Increase Efficiency Taking a nap is a daily routine in various countries, including Italy and Greece. In particular, Spain has a "Siesta" custom of tak..