전체 글 477

If you put "this" in water and drink... My bad breath is gone

Flavonoids in green tea help remove bad breath. ◇ The main cause of bad breath is bacteria in the mouth The biggest cause of bad breath is "bacteria in the mouth." In particular, the secretion of saliva (saliva) decreases while we sleep, causing a lot of bacteria to proliferate in the mouth, and an unpleasant smell occurs due to volatile sulfur compounds caused by the decomposition of proteins b..

If you grill the meat like this, you'll get less carcinogens

Marinating the meat in seasoning before grilling can minimize the production of carcinogens during grilling. It is well known that if you grill meat over high heat, various carcinogens can occur, so you should be careful. How can I minimize the production of harmful substances when grilling meat? ◇ Marinate before baking Let the meat marinate for about two hours in a beer, wine or herb sauce bef..